Friday, May 14, 2010

Really Worth The "WAIT" in Gold???

Worldwide Tacos is the name of this food spot in the Jefferson Park Area of Los Angeles.  I'd heard about this place and folks saying these are the best tacos ever!  Like seriously?  Really?  The best tacos ever????  So I felt a little inspired to check them out.

I went a couple of days ago...nice, breezy day in LA and I was in the neighborhood...the hunger bug attacked and I was feeling a tad bit adventurous.  Why not try them out?  One thing is for sure by the looks of this place I wouldn't have touched it with a ten foot pole.  I am often surprised by what I experience in this grand city of Los Angeles by just closing my eyes and diving in.  It's really amazing!

OK...back to taco land Christann!  *smile*

I walked up to the window and looked at their endless menu, and I do mean endless.  This place serves every kind of taco and burrito known to man.  Literally!  Veggie tacos, turkey tacos, beef tacos, shrimp tacos, jerk chicken tacos, steak tacos, and the list goes on.  They serve over 150 different kinds of tacos. Too much?  I think so.  But hey..what do I know?  So I placed my order, two hard shell turkey tacos with everything and my friend ordered three shrimp tacos.  How much?  $18.00.  How long?  45 minutes!!!!!  What the H-E-double hockey sticks!?!?!?!?  Are you serious?!?!?  The cashier then asked for my phone number to call me when the order would be ready for me to pick up!


I started thinking...does this place really take this long to prepare some tacos?  WOW!  Then there was a sign on the window that read "You order can take between 15 minutes & 2 hours."  WHAT!?!?!?

Keep your cool Christann is what I kept telling myself!  Just keep your are trying something new and different.  So just remain open to the experience.  LOL!!!
So my friend and I left and ran a few errands..all the while discussing how long this taco process was going to take.  Has there been an announcement of a slow-food movement that I didn't know about?  I mean really?

After all was said and done...I took 48 (FORTY EIGHT MINUTES) for FIVE TACOS!!! Using a little math...that comes out to 9.6 MINUTES PER TACO!!!!  THE NERVE!!!!


at least they had an "A"


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