Sunday, March 22, 2009

Yes! I Can!!!

I really feel like blogging...I am new at this and I am taking a chance...putting my thoughts out there! Whew!! Okay...breath Christann breath!!! I have been thinking about a bunch of things (you'll be seeing more posts in the near future). For instance, do we as humans go back to what is familiar out of comfort if they thing we were trying/doing/involved in/with didn't work? I wonder. For example, am I attempting to create an open, peaceful relationship with my family. Could it be I am motivated to do this because the marriage I was in didn't work? I don't know. Why can't I have both?

How can I have amazing, open, true, beautiful relationships with my girlfriends and at the same time share the same, if not deeper bond with my significant other? The is is YES I CAN!!! Yes! I can have it all. I can have that emotionally stimulating, spiritually grounded, physically adventurous "Fun Ship" (Fun Relationship) with my partner and still hang with the girls on Saturday night. Heck, why not make it a couples things every now and again and just have a good time.

Personally speaking, one agreement I didn't make was to ensure Christann's happiness and fulfillment first and foremost. Is that selfish? hell no. it's honest! it's truthful! it's real. The question can I fully contribute to the success of a relationship/friendship if I myself am not whole. Remaining whole in a relationship is key. Changing yourself to fit into a relationship is setting it up for doomsday. It's "Bass-Ackwards"!! But transforming the relationship to fit your person is the way, the truth and the light! ;)

If I like dancing (which I do), I shouldn't stop going dancing because I am in a relationship...No way Jose! How do I merge the two? If I enjoy entertaining friends at home (which I do) can I have fun in my apron with my girls and with my man? (oooooh! I can think of many ways to do the latter)...I'd definitely be the hostess with the mostess! HOLLA!!

One thing is to no be so consumed with a relationship that friendships die....and vice versa. Being fluid is key. Being true is key. Being open is key. Being loving is key. Being YOU is key!!! You can make your worlds mesh and be seamless! I can still hang with the girls on a Saturday like a ROCK STAR and still have that ROCK STAR RELATIONSHIP! Yes! You have to create what you want for your life....oh, I mean "I can create what I want for my life?"




Monday, March 16, 2009

Unknown Territory

Sometimes the World Wide Web is elusive to me. It's like you have to know exactly what you are looking for (or not), type it correctly in Google to come up with the correct results. Its a never ending story with me. Like for instance, I'm looking for a writing desk for my bedroom. Nothing fancy but nothing shitty either. I'd like it to be wood with a center drawer for papers, journal, pens, etc. I just don't know where to start looking. I've done the google search but have I done my due diligence (as my best friend always asks)? I'm not sure. Do I have the patience is probably the correct question to be asking. And honestly, NO! I don't. As of right now, I do not have the patience to search numerous sites, look through hundreds of photos, sends countless email asking for dimensions/exact type of wood/etc......I need to allow myself the space to want the desk and have the desire to do the work thats involved in getting the desk into my bedroom.

Final Question to myself....
Now, How Bad Do You Want a Writing Desk Christann?????